Women's Veterinary Collective
Women's Veterinary Collective

Welcome to Women's Veterinary Collective

Creating a new paradigm for practicing veterinary medicine and living a balanced fulfilled life.

Our Why

The Women’s Veterinary Network was created because there is a void in our profession. It is time that we standup and support one another. This community is here to provide the platform for women vets to get to know one another, as the brilliant, amazing people we are. Here we will support one another, have a community who understands our struggles, where we come to figure out how to live the lives we have always wanted to and we deserve. The WVC will not only provide a safe space to talk, we will be offering webinars, day seminars and retreats. Only by taking care of ourselves, are we able to take care of others. By holding our space of power and community, starting with us as individuals, will we make the veterinary profession evolve and thrive.

Why You Should Join Me

Women need to stick together. There is no need for competition, it only creates isolation. And we have seen what this does to many in our profession from burnout to depression and suicide.

Stand with us here. Be the change you want to see. It takes a village to change the status quo. And women have always been the natural nurturers and seers. This is where we work towards a better future for ourselves and those who will come after us. It is here that the pebble has been tossed into the water and will create a ripple effect across veterinary medicine. 

A Big Thanks

I thank you all ahead of time. You will all be a great contributor to the collective! I look forward to getting to know you all while being brave and vulnerable, growing together to bring personal wellness back into vet med.